Benefits for Physicians and Hospitals

Focus on your patients’ health without compromising your time or business. Our model is all about collaboration. When a patient is referred to our Center for help about a PMAD, our goal is to enhance your patients individualized treatment plan. No reinvention of the wheel or "stealing" patients. The purpose is to provide comprehensive care not just for the patient, but also to enhance individualized treatment plans for better patient care. We communicate directly with each patient's physicians and providers about the mental health aspect of their care. This collaboration ensures that mental, emotional and life stresses are understood and helps tailor the best treatment options for optimal outcomes. 

Many women who suffer wish they had been prepared by their OB/GYNs and Reproductive Endocrinologists (REs) before pregnancy.  OBs, REs, and also Pediatricians have these many opportunities to educate, so we can ensure they have the necessary information from the vetted resources.. Providers and hospitals miss windows for educating their patients during Antepartum hospital visits, too. PMADs are a serious medical issue deserving awareness, support and prevention resources: no different from Gestational Diabetes and Breastfeeding, for example.

Furthermore, we facilitate Volunteer MMH training for Survivors who want to “give back."  Trained volunteers may co-facilitate peer-peer support groups can center on specific MMH issues, which fosters empathy.


  • In all hospital OB offices, we provide pre-screening and resources for women throughout pregnancy.
  • Screening resources for women after pregnancy, at the 6-week follow up
  • OBs have an immediate, vetted referral source for high-risk patients
  • The same program applies to RE and Pediatricians.
  • Implementation of hospital-wide awareness and understanding of MMH
  • Facilitate advanced MMH trainings for CMES and Grand Rounds
  • MMH Program or Class is offered with all other Childbirth or Parenting Classes
  • Give real-life stories, documentaries to educate and offer a sense of safety to come out about feelings and fears, if any.
  • Onsite and local treatment and support resources (includes vetted call-lines and texting).
  • All staff in L&D and Postpartum areas protect privacy, recovery and sleep.
  • In NICU, daily observation and screening, with results shared among providers in daily rounds.
  • Support area with resources specific to MMH providers working with mothers with babies in NICU.
  • Support groups for patients onsite and within close proximity to the office or hospital 
  • Lunch and Learns for physicians and providers
  • Discharge nurse covers MMH information and resources including our Center (we provide services onsite for partnering hospitals). Nurse designates a space for MMH information in a folder
  • Existing Social Work and Psychiatry MMH-trained to appropriately consult, evaluate and refer patients scoring high on the EPDS to our Center and/or provide the appropriate, vetted resources.
  • Phone follow up with all consenting patients for weeks/months postpartum to detect PMAD symptoms and offer immediate support. 
  • Develop a preferred referral process and network with our help and resources
  • Offer a public support phone line, operated by vetted MMH staff 
  • Develop a monitoring program for data and research
  • Assess patient experience before and during pregnancy and postpartum
  • Define strategic plan to improve outcomes in patient care
  • Define goals for improvement of best practices, policies and procedures in treating PMADs.
  • We are your Maternal Mental Health Go-To
  • We will be available throughout the brainstorming, planning, strategic, development and fundraising, and implementation, and throughout the life cycle of our program.
  • We will further your mission and vision by providing the best in patient care
  • Our efforts will promote your practice or hospital’s commitment to excellence by providing the highest standards and approach to MMH and Behavioral Health as a whole.
  • Women will choose your practice or hospital for their healthcare because you will have the tools to empower your patients.
  • We may be onsite to help with education, outreach and resources to all women in Perinatal/Postpartum areas
  • We will motivate a future of awareness for PMADs and women’s mental health as a whole
  • We will enhance your care so women choose to come back to your hospital - and their families too.
  • We will educate patients about the diverse options and specialists in healthcare your hospital provides, including integrative and leading edge medicine
  • We will provide and distribute any/all materials throughout the hospital
  • We will support you via our own fundraising initiatives, bringing in new patients, families and new donors
  • We will put you on the Maternal Mental Health Map through our program locally, regionally, nationally, internationally.
  • You may become the First Hospital and/or practice in your area to offer a dedicated and comprehensive care model, and ideally to expand into a MMH-specific IOP or IP treatment.
  • You may earn credentials, logo badges, and access to provider networks by virtue of our collaboration
  • You will see a long-term growth in MMH patient care resulting in better outcomes.
  • Together we will raise and help lead the standard in MMH and PMAD treatment and care.

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Why would I send a patient to The Wilderman Center if I can just write them a prescription in my office?
When anyone sufferers from, or is at risk for a PMAD, it is critical they get the appropriate maternal mental health component of care, no different from any other medical condition. Although most women seek their primary care from an OB/GYN, only a Maternal Mental Health specialist is trained in the diagnosis and management of PMADs. The best intended OB/GYNs and Pediatricians who prescribe anti-anxiety or antidepressant medicines may do more harm than good. While medication can help treat symptoms, it may suppress the mental and emotional issues. Misdiagnosis covers up and can exacerbate the mental illness, which silences the woman, perpetuates the stigma, and furthers the problem.
How does providing PMAD care with The Wilderman Center improve my business?
The Wilderman Center takes out the guesswork and frees up time in a truly effective way: the gap in Maternal Mental Health care occurs at the clinical level - even the most accomplished physicians and providers lack resources to get at-risk patients to a MMH specialist. We take out the guess work and free up time by educating and arming them with the right resources both recognize risk, and to make sure their patients get the right care outside the exam room. Isn't the goal “to do not harm”? Lack of understanding is harmful. By supporting doctors and the healthcare community with knowledge and tools, we reinforce and strengthen best practices, reduce risk and increase successful outcomes.
How do I start a relationship with The Wilderman Center to benefit our hospital or practice?
After contacting us, we will meet with your team to hear your goals and create a strategic plan.




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